About this Doc

About this Doc

Revision History
Revision 0.7Aug 21 2002Revised by: Pete
Needs extensions / clarity and ....

This "pressing" ported for tenforty by Peter Gossner petergozz@linuxtax.com Aug 21 2002

This document written in SGML DocBook using Xemacs The "Everything including a spare kitchen sink" Editor. The browsers Amaya and Galeon were used to check format and presentation.

The source document (at version 0.5) has a readily configurable prolog:
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN"[
		<!entity hostbody "SourceForge">:
		<!entity app "Cronos II">
		<!entity revnumber "0.5">
		<!entity revdate "May 06 2002">
		<!entity maintainer "tenforty@users.sourceforge.net">
		<!entity docs "petergozz@users.sourceforge.net">
		<!entity website "http://www.tenforty.org/">
		<!entity developers "tenforty-developers@lists.sourceforge.net">
		<!entity userid "User-ID">
		<!entity userprompt "[JR-Hacker@work]$ ">
		<!entity userlocal "JR-Hacker">
		<!entity login "Login-Name:">
		<!entity loginpass "<PassWord4Login>">
		<!--your local stuff here -->
		<!entity Yves "ymettier@libertysurf.fr">
		<!--extensions to this doc here-->
		<!entity cvs-01 SYSTEM "cvs-01.sgml">


Jade was used to build the sources into html using gnome-db2htmlor db2html.( These access different dssl's or DocBook style sheets.)

Various other output formats may be built from the same sources using equally simply commands

	  vers 0.7 : petergozz@linuxtax.com Aug 21 2002
	  refined entities for easier and consistent porting to another app.

	    vers 0.6 : petergozz@users.sf.net May 6 2002
	   Brought source sgml to DocBook 4.1 
	   Added and updated links 
	   Split source to total 3 sgml docs. 
	   Added preface and copy information 
	   Added some man pages from scp and sftp