Checkout a Current Working Copy

The approach here is to represent and explain a working session in the first person. (Talking to myself again)

First I will need a Working Copy of The CVS Module. I only need do this once for any Module.

Example 1. Checking Out a Working Copy

[A-Hacker@work]$  cvs -z3 co tenfortytenforty-examplename's password: <PassWord4Login>
cvs server: Updating tenfortytenforty-example-name
U tenfortytenforty-example-name/ABOUT-NLS
U tenfortytenforty-example-name/AUTHORS

The cvs server echoes its actions to your terminal. It notes directory changes as it does so.

cvs server: Updating tenfortytenforty-example-name/doc/C
U tenfortytenforty-example-name/doc/C/
U tenfortytenforty-example-name/doc/C/
U tenfortytenforty-example-name/doc/C/addressbook.sgml

Example 2. and another Module for clarity

[A-Hacker@work]$  cvs -z3 co documentation's password: <PassWord4Login>
cvs server: Updating documentation
U documentation/development.html
U documentation/plugin.html

Now I check I have what I think I should have

[A-Hacker@work]$  ls -lah
total 16k
drwxr-sr-x    4 A-Hacker     A-Hacker         4.0k Jun 20 00:45 .
drwxr-sr-x   51 A-Hacker     A-Hacker         4.0k Jun 20 00:33 ..
drwxr-sr-x   17 A-Hacker     A-Hacker         4.0k Jun 20 00:43 tenfortytenforty-example-name
drwxr-sr-x    3 A-Hacker     A-Hacker         4.0k Jun 20 00:45 documentation
[A-Hacker@work]$  cd documentation/
[A-Hacker@work]$  ls
CVS  development.html  plugin.html

All is well.

I now have a Working Copy of the sources I would like to work on. I go off line to work on these files. So I do just that, adding the new cvs-quickstartv0.2.sgml file.