Commit your work

From within the directory where I have the new file I run the following:

Example 4. A simple Commit

[A-Hacker@work]$  cvs commit

cvs commit: Examining .'s password:<PassWord4Login>
RCS file: /cvsroot/tenforty/documentation/cvs-quickstartv0.2.sgml,v

Because I didn't specify the- m switch the CVS server opens VI for me to enter a message about this version of the file:

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Added Files:
CVS:    cvs-quickstartv0.2.sgml
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Initial version of this. Still Alpha.

Only the lines I enter will be shown by the server. So I leave some concise yet fulsome statement of what I have done.

CVS then does the commit ...

Checking in cvs-quickstartv0.2.sgml;
/cvsroot/tenforty/documentation/cvs-quickstartv0.2.sgml,v  <--  cvs-quickstartv0.2.sgml
initial revision: 1.1

and tells me the location, version number and in this case the success of the commit, (no conflicts).