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Recent Project News

General News

A new CVS module has been started: "tenForty". Jay has to do some work (adding and commiting) but the basic thing is available with "cvs co tenForty". The "module" is named for the project executable .(the UpperCase F is not a typo. :) (for once). Jay has made some huge steps forward with PDF and PS generation with a new path appearing that promises to simplify "porting" the source forms. Henry has been adding forms to CVS which has had direct ramifications to the core project code. Peter has been slack with XML stuff and has yet to finish the web site. (but he is getting there). The site should now work much better with Konqueror, which is a great browser though it has some strange quirks with divs and CSS. The authors pages abuses these "bugs". So this is now tested with Galeon, Mozilla, Opera 6 and Konq. If it's broken on IE I have no way of finding out.. So somebody should tell me. (Pete)

The new developers are still familiarising themselves with the core project code. I would encourage them to ignore the subprojects and focus on the Perl stuff. Ask questions guys . Your comments are needed and would be very valuable.

(this posting by Pete)

Perl Module

This week in the Perl Module. News from the Perl Module Team. This task is closley linked to the main core of the project. Progress will be slow untill the core algorithms are further defined and fixed. However the aim is to post a new module for general use to CPAN.


The Project documentation has to date been focused on developer support. Plans are in place for user side documentation and this will commence when the main interface reaches a reasonably stable form. Currently I am focusing on facilitating Developer access to CVS and any other process involved with the project. I am willing to write docs on just about anything including patch and diff or anything else you need clarification with. The web site is now "stable" (IMHO) if there are any problems with anything on the site. Please let me know. !


The XML "department" (of one) has a new DTD in place and some examples in CVS. The long term goals include compliance and support of ebXML and it's replacement UBL (Universal Business Language). Along the way there are XSLT and a Schema to implement. We are currently at the XSLT stage. Peter promises to get on to that very soon. :) Um any day now ...

© Post some news

Any Developer can post to this page.

Here's how.

I double dare you ;->

You need to have OpenSSH installed and be able to use a terminal. (There are probably GUI tools you could use they would need to support SFTP .)

To post News, upload a plain text file to the htdocs/newstories/filename. Just write over it ! (These are PHP includes to this page.) HTML formatting may be included. (let me know if there is a problem most things can be done and there are two style sheets automatically linked to this page. (view source)

An example or two

These are all one liners

Just cut and paste and change the Login-name to your Developer name. (you will be asked for your password)

General News

This is meant to be a "catch all" for anything that you think needs saying.

[Your Prompt]$scp textfile

Perl Module

News about the CPAN module

[Your Prompt]$scp textfile


XML subproject news

[Your Prompt]$scp textfile


For stuff that's about the documentation subproject.

[Your Prompt]$scp textfile

By the way the entire web site can be worked with using the same approach. I will post a guide to the website page.

"webmaster" Peter Gossner