No taxation without representation

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Reporting Bugs and Requesting Features

Bug Reporting and fixing is one of the most important parts of any software development project.

All programs have bugs, even if its some little quirk on the interface that drives you nuts. Perhaps you would like to see a new function added or a file protocol supported. Here you find out how to ask for features and effectively report problems to us. If something is hard to use , broken spelled incorrectly or just plain unclear. Tell us !..

Submit a new bug

Follow the link just above to open the interface for submitting a new bug report or ask for some new feature.

Browse Bugs

Check out the existing bug reports and how they are being attended to.

Subprojects And Tasks

View Project Task allocations and Subprojects. This includes things like Websites, Documentation, or anything else that can be usefully managed as a sub project.


Submit your patch to the source code.

Browse Patches

Browse Support Requests

Support Requests: Submit Tracker Item

Submit a new support request by navigating to the submission page.

Choose a Category and Group or leave as defaults .

Enter a brief description e.g. Won't install on my win 3.1 box

Enter or cut and paste any details you feel would help clarify the situation including your public contact details (if you can't log in)

When finished click "complete"

Feel free to ask for any type of support through this interface though note that it is a public listing. Contact one of the developers if you have something else, or need more information.

For general inquiries and comment, please mail the developers or users list.

Stable ~:No stable release yet. |~| Please see the download page ~Kb

Development ~: No official release yet. |~| Please see the download page ~Kb

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