
The CVS-HOWTO contains a full set of scripts for most regularly performed actions.

Here is a cut and paste script just to get you started.

cvs2tenfortyver0.0.2 is a script to launch a terminal with your environment variables set for a sourceforge tenforty session.
#script to load ENVIRONMENT CVS for tenforty session
#Sat Jun 23  2001
#Define env variables

 export CVS_RSH=$CVS_RSH &&

#report from first terminal about the new terminal.
echo "Launching a Terminal for this sourceforge  tenforty CVS session"
echo "Child term has the following Environmental Variables reset:"
echo " Executable Path is  set to:"
echo $PATH &&
echo "___________________________________________________________"
echo "The CVS secure ftp (Telnet) is set to:"
echo $CVS_RSH &&
echo "____________________________________________________________"
echo "When called from The Child Terminal"
echo "CVS  will expect to locate its Source Repository via:"
echo $CVSROOT &&
echo "___________________________________________________________"
#shopt -s cdspell ; (later)
#Then launch terminal and free this parent terminal for use.
#e.g. man xterm man Eterm (this example sets a fairly large rxvt with a red prompt and blue pointer.)
 rxvt -geometry 120x32 -background AntiqueWhite -cr red3 -pr blue -title "sourceforge tenforty 0.7 CVS session"  & 
#change the Login-Name: to _your_ login name.
#make sure this ends in a new line..and chmod u+x